Can International Sales Agents Be Blamed for Low Performing Film Sales?
International and Domestic sales of independent film is a volatile undertaking, even under the best of circumstances. Therefore, International Sales companies must be careful, and filmmakers must be realistic regarding expectations for revenue generation.

Greenlit…To Be Or Not To Be – When is Your Movie a Go?
Greenlit is a term of art in the entertainment industry when the heavens have aligned, and the “powers that be” (investors, production studio, or distributor,) have given authorization for the movie to go into production. Beware, however, that you are not likely to get this “greenlighting” authorization via a legally binding documentation that will actually protect you in the case the investor backs out.

False Representation vs. Breach of Contract in Film Financing – Who Wins?
Investment in film has the potential for high reward but is always combined with high risk. Little or no collateral, lack of liquidity, changing consumer demand, market competition and over zealous promises made by the filmmakers all contribute to the risk factor. Investors must rely on strong market analysis, distribution pre-sales and the integrity of the filmmakers who are making the proclamations in the prospectus. If any one of these elements is fraudulent, that can mean disaster for the investor and potential violation of contract elements.

Economic Damages: A Case Study – The Actor
The large majority of lawsuits involving individuals in the entertainment industry revolve around lost wages or fees.
The question one should ask in order to determine the value of damages in these cases is this: how do you best determine whether a particular individual should be categorized into that rare group of earners? In other words, how do you determine whether the claim is purely speculative, or if it can be proven within a reasonable degree of certainty?

ABC’s of International Pre-Sales
A common financing vehicle for independent films is “Pre-Sales.” The phrase is often thrown around among producers and distributors in every day conversation. However, as more and more content creators are getting involved in bringing script to screen, everyone is trying to understand how this prominent financing tool actually functions.

The Draw of the Entertainment Industry: What Inspires New Investors to Enter the Fray?
The entertainment industry is one that requires a tremendous amount of passion, patience and an enormous amount of luck. Thousands of projects are developed each year and only a handful get made and distributed. What continues to draw successful people from other industries into the film business? What drives them? What is their approach to success?

How To Make Indie Filmmaking Profitable In The Age of Tentpole Franchises
To some, indie filmmaking is an art form, to others a dream of of seeing their story come to life on the big screen, however, it is meant to be a profitable business. Investors put money into a film, and expect to get their money back and receive a decent return on their investment. I sat down with Cindy Nelson-Mullen, Co-CEO of MonteCristo International, an international sales agent/production company, and discussed with her the elements it takes to make a profitable film in this changing economic landscape

Getting Real with Indie Film Finance and Distribution

Writers, Producers, Directors — The DEAL
In addition to film financing, the writer, producer and director deals are a major factor in getting films produced – each deal differs depending on the experience and clout of the players involved. These deals will in turn have a huge impact on back end money that may or may not be available for the producer.

“Economic Damage Claims In The Entertainment Industry — Speculative or Beyond a Reasonable Certainty”
The large majority of lawsuits that involve individuals in the entertainment industry revolve around lost wages or fees. How do you determine whether the claim is purely speculative or can be proven within a reasonable degree of certainty?

The Entertainment Industry – Points to Evaluate When Considering a Case
It all begins with an idea.

The Basics of Film Financing
Financing of film projects often requires an elaborate patchwork of investors, banks, soft money tax credits and in-kind services. One of the overall themes of the industry that can at times make obtaining financing hard is the risks involved in making films, many of which may have very little tangible value at the end of the process.