A Case Study: Guild Residual Calculations – Studio vs. Independent Film Finance Models
The Writers Guild of America (WGA), Screen Actors Guild (SAG), and the Director’s Guild of America (DGA) track the international box office, DVD, VOD and television revenues of films around the world in order to assess the correct residual amounts for their members. The challenge facing the Producer however is that the Guilds utilize the same accounting methods to assess royalties with independently financed films as they do the studio financed films, and therefore the producer can be overcharged dramatically on an indie film.

Unpublished Authors and The Battle Against Copyright Infringement
Copyright infringement is a hot topic in the entertainment industry and I have worked on my fair share of cases on this issue. Having testified for both Plaintiffs and Defendants, successful and not so successful writers, the published and the unpublished, the questions remain the same
Don’t all authors deserve copyright protection?